Thursday 17 June 2010


I had never really appreciated the impact of the foot-washing story in the Christian Gospel of John, Chapter 13 until I went on holiday once to Greece. What prompted a red-head to venture to such a hot climate in the middle of summer, I just don’t know - It was scorching! In fact up to 900 people had died because of the heat that summer. The other bewildering fact was how many of the Scottish people in our group lay on the beach for long periods and barbecued themselves.

Having tramped around Athens one day I was tired and exhausted. Our group were required to wait for the bus to take us back to our camp site. (Now that’s another story – sleeping in a tent in a heat wave................) Anyway, there am I meandering about waiting for the bus. I wandered over to a fountain and put my feet in it. Suddenly in a eureka moment I appreciated the story in John 13. It was fantastic having my feet cleansed in a cool fountain. Absolute bliss. Cool feet. Clean feet. It was wonderful.

The servant-hood in John 13 is an example to us all. What can I do for my wife or partner which will give them that unexpected bliss and blessing. If I chose to find ways to bring that sort of rich experience to my partner what a difference might that make to the climate of our relationship. And it need not be something spectacular.

We had a visitor one day who came to tea. Having 3 children our kitchen often looks out of control (you can blame children for anything!) When all was finished about 7.30 we took the children to bed, fully expecting that after the bed-time routine we would descend at 9pm and have to start into the kitchen clear-up. To our surprise and utter delight, our visitor had cleared and washed the dishes and the kitchen was done by the time we reappeared. It was a foot-washing moment. We were so pleased and felt great and very, very thankful.

So. What might you do for your partner or a couple or someone you know, who could do with a foot-washing moment?

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