We were walking along the road, by the sea. I was engaged at the time and she had been married for a number of years. As we chatted about marriage she said about her husband, “I just want to grow old with Charley.”
This came to mind recently as I listened to a track on the latest Glen Campbell CD. ( Remember him.......By The Time I Get To Pheonix, Wichita Lineman, Gentle On My Mind?) He has been away for some time and this was his new album. It is like an effort to create his old distinctive sound of the past. But at the end of the album he has a wonderful song called, “Grow Old Together” which to my surprise was written by John Lennon.
It is quite a thought. Growing old together with your spouse. What is equally surprising is that the divorce statistics for those in the upper years of life and marriage( age 55+) are some of the highest! Perhaps these couples have been miserable for a long time and with good health and not many years left, they are deciding to cut their losses and run. Have another life before they have no life left. Who can really tell?
And yet it need not be so. Marriages need not decline with the years. Perhaps a good place to start in changing the climate of your marriage would be to read, “The Four Seasons Of Marriage” by Gary Chapman. The purpose of the book is to help you identify which season your marriage is in and to show you how to move away from the unsettledness of autumn or the coldness of winter toward the hopefulness of spring or the warmth and closeness of summer.
Friendships need not stagnate. Give you relationship the best possible care and attention even above the demands of children and work. “Grow Old Together” - Watch it on YouTube, as he walks out with Yoko Ono. And in the words of John Lennon, “God bless our love.”
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