Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Marriage Preparation. What The Couples Said.

'Love Well - Live Well' is a 2 hour course for couples. It can be used as Mariage Preparation or as an evening for those already married.

It covers: Friendship, Communication, The 5 Love Languages, Bad Habits-Good Habits, Forgiveness.

The following are some comments gleaned from a recent evening held at Old High St Stephens in Inverness. As Marriage Preparation it complements the role and input of the Minister.

Why are you getting married?

The cohabiting couples said:

It's the next step in our relationship.

We want to cement our relationship and provide stability for our children.

We are at a more settled stage in our relationship  and are ready after 5 years to make a bigger commitment to each other.

Getting married is a progression in our relationship.

The non-cohabiting couples said:

Marriage will cement our love and desire to look after one another, provide mutual security and we will grow stronger together as a team.

Marriage will provide more security and unity.

It is a step of commitment. We will move in tioegether and this will make a big practical difference.

Getting married will make us stronger together.

How did you feel about coming on this evening?

I was nervous and fearful but now I feel reassured and motivated.

I was intrgued by the prospect of attending such an evening. And now I feel really excited and motivated.

Comments about the evening?

I really valued the opportunity of talking with my partner.

I have realised how important it is to verbalise how much I appreciate my partner. I often think these positive thoughts but keep them to myself.

This eveing really made me think about how structured time together as a couple is really important.

The section on Friendship & Communication was excellent.

We found the ideas of the 5 Love Languages really good.

Thank you for this evening. I was worried about coming. I shouldn't have been. I always felt comfortable in the sessions and I enjoyed speaking to my girl-friend on a personal level rather than discussing things with the whole group, which is how I thought it would have been. I would highly recommend this course.



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