Thursday, 21 February 2013

Emili Sande - 'Next To Me.' A Song For Our Times.

Perhaps I am getting old. Maybe it is as they say, we find ourselves 'turning into our parents'? Making the same kinds of judgements, gestures, saying things to our children which our parents said to us; doing the same, like wiping your child's mouth furiously with a flannel lest they escape out the door to school with the porridge clinging to their little chops like teenage pimples. Or ranting about the rubbish on TV, as my Dad used to say, "I am surprised that an intelligent boy like you is watching rubbish like that"

Well last night I watched some 'rubbish'. The Brit Awards 2013, when the British Music Industry doles out its Oscars. Yes I admit I did have  'just like my Dad' moments when the host swore on more than one occasion and made some completely inapproriate comments and some of the dancing was a bit too suggestive. Why should I be surprised? It's the whole packeage which is served up to our children which is problematic. But.

But, filter out some of the dross and there is real gold. Fantastic creativity, musicianship and social comment in much of the music. With the 'Best Female Artist' award and the 'Best Album' award, Emili Sande was the big winner. Her song, 'Next To Me' is what she is most known for. The lyrics are amazing.

Should I marry him? Is he marriageable? Many are the questions which need to be asked before a couple commit to marriage and one of the most important is, 'Will he or she, be there for me when it really matters?' Can I count on my partner being there through thick and thin? Yes you can Sande eloquently sings.

She got married recently. I wonder of she wrote this song about her inteneded, recognising that in him she would have a solid, dependable, trusworthy and faithful companion, for better or for worse. "Romantic love is all about attachment and emotional bonding', says Dr Sue Johnson. 'It is about our wired-in need to have someone to depend on, a loved one who can can offer reliable emotional connection and confort."

'You'll find him, you'll find him next to me' says Emili Sande. There is real security in that. The kind of security which is best epitomised in marriage.

('Hold Me Tight' Dr Sue |Johnson publ. Piatkus)

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