More than a third of parents rarely talk to their children due to increasing pressure at work, latest research has revealed. The survey of 2,000 parents by children’s communication charity I CAN found that austerity measures and poor pay deals are forcing parents to work longer hours and spend less time with their children.
Three-quarters of those surveyed are taking on extra work and 35 per cent admitted increased workloads meant they rarely have time to talk to their children. One in five parents said they are too tired to talk with their children when they get home from work and 55 per cent said they have less quality time with them due to work. Among those surveyed, one in five has taken a second job and a similar proportion is taking work home. A third said work calls or responding to emails at home often hampers attempts to talk with their children.
I CAN has warned a lack of conversation at home can impact on children’s communication skills and affect their performance when they start primary school. Kate Freeman, I CAN communication adviser, said: "We’re concerned at the knock-on effect on young children who need verbal interaction to build their own speaking and understanding skills, especially in the early years."Without these skills they may start school with a lower level of language than expected at their age."
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