I know I was slow on the uptake at school but even I could suss something wrong. We were taught that the fundamentals were the 3 ‘Rs’. It confused me no end to then find out they were talking about Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. 3 ‘Rs’? One starts with ‘R’ another with ‘W’ and a third with’A.’ My Schonell Spelling book was in danger of being scrapped!
Of course, they were indeed the fundamentals. Essential building blocks for everything else. Nowadays even some celebrity handwriting is being castigated as being illegible, people write very few hand-written letters and as for Maths, we have calculators on our phones, in exams and the till operator at the supermarket is told by the machine exactly what the correct change is.
Fundamentals are important. In the area of relationships some basic behaviours can make a huge difference. So, here are the 3 ‘As.’ 3 simple daily habits which can enhance the flavour of any relationship. Affection. Appreciation. Admiration.
A word, a gesture, a simple act of service. Small things can have a big impact.
Instead of scanning the horizon for our partner’s mistakes perhaps we should try and catch them doing something good and offer encouragement and praise. Build one another up.
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