Thursday, 22 November 2012

15 Minute Recipe.

Will you take or make some time today with your spouse, to talk and listen together? Just 15 minutes a day, giving undivided attention can work wonders in helping a couple stay connected.

Monday, 19 November 2012

One Direction - 'Little Things'. A helpful reminder for Couples

'Never thought I would appreciate 'One Direction' but I am at the Gym and I hear this and realise that it is actually a very good song. It's not the best piece of writing as far as the lyrics go but it focuses on something very important in a relationship - the little things which make our partner unique.

Sometimes we can forget or miss these little appreciations, the little things which make our spouse or partner unique and special to us, especially if we are in a phase when things are not going well. That's when we can slip into a negative mindset which can leave a nasty taste in the relationship. At this point it is well to focus on the good and not allow the not-so-good to take hold.

And even if things are going well it is still important to communicate what it is you appreciate about your partner as a way of buildng up your friendship.

Take the time to make that little list. Share it. Enjoy and laugh over it. There might be a few surprises.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Marriage Preparation Evening Feedback.

'I normally get relationship information and advice from friends, my partner and family. This was an excellent evening and I feel really motivated about our relationship.'

'I need to think a lot harder about how my actions come across to my partner.'

'I was intrigued at the prospect of coming on a Marriage Preparation evening. I feel very motivated  as a result of being here asnd realise how important it is to learn to listen well to my partner.'

'This was a very good evening. The section, Bad Habits to Avoid - Good Habits to Foster is the one  which sticks with me from tonight.'

'I have never accessed relationshop advice from anywhere before. I would definitly recommend 'Love Well-Live Well' Marriage preparation to any couple.'

'I was intrigued at the prospect of coming tonight. The four sessions covered were excellent. I feel very motivated.'

What My Father Told Me.

I once asked some men to tell me what advice they had received from their Father. Their responses are at the end of this piece which I wrote about my own Dad.

I looked at myself
In the mirror,
Post shaving.
Minus glasses,
I had to move close. 

I saw my Father
His eyes.
Him, looking at me.
'It's ok, we all
Make mistakes sometimes'
He said.

'Keep your head up'
He counselled. 

What advice did your Father give you ?

My Father told me he was pleased at some of my accomplishments.

My Father told me, "Always keep the family together and make sure you spend time with your children."

My Father said, "Be honest in what you do and that will stand you in good stead no matter what you do in life."

The most important words from my Father? "Son you are a Bachelor Boy and that's the way to stay. Son you be a Bachelor Boy until your dying day."

What my Father said was, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found." Boy did we celebrate!

What advice did your Father give you?
What will you tell your own children?

Thursday, 1 November 2012